Whenwemoved tooursmall corner of the country, for which I am grateful, we were greeted by the aboriginals: creatures great and small who lived in the dense woods and had never
Louisiana has just held its general election and thankfully it is over. It has been quit a journey and one that was less than desirable; even by Louisiana standards. Amid
Small business is the beating heart of Louisiana’s economy. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, it accounts for most of Louisiana’s employers and employees — nearly 53 percent of
FDA officials approved a record number of rare disease treatments last year. One groundbreaking medicine treats an inherited bone condition that causes intense pain and immobility. Another treats Fabry disease,
If you know anything about children and cats, you know they are one thing: fastidious. Some children need more stimulation than a boring old ball pit or bouncy house. They
I am named after my aunt and my mother. The tale goes that my mother always wanted a Nancy Doll (they came from a line of Depression-era storybooks), so when
Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards won a second-term as Louisiana’s political leader over the weekend in a tight runoff election against Republican Eddie Rispone. Edwards’ next four years in office
Note: Dickie Lewis passed away some time ago. This is a piece I wrote some years ago about the flag he donated to the little town he loved. Thanks again,
The Portal. It sounds like something out of a science fiction novel, the gateway to an alternative universe that lures, then traps the unwary in its nefarious web of illusion,