“Train up a child the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it,” the Bible says. But parents, teachers and other caregivers know
Safety has been on my mind a lot lately. When the tornado disrupted Lincoln Parish two weeks ago, I came face-to-face with the realization that I lacked vital elements of
Exactly who isn’t important to this part of the story. In all likelihood, it was probably several someones about 75 years ago who looked at each other and the terrain
On Tuesday, state Rep. Cedric Glover, R-Shreveport, voluntarily deferred House Bill 470, which proposed to merge Louisiana Tech University and LSUShreveport. That was no surprise, as such proposals have failed
My favorite book growing up (and perhaps still) was J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings.” As a child, I liked to picture myself as one character or another —
The LSU AgCenter was proud to host over 200 Lincoln Parish 4-H members, leaders, parents, and volunteers as they learned to “Be SAFE To Be Super” at the 2019 Lincoln
Dear Rusty: I’ve been trying to determine the best way to proceed with retirement and could use some help. I’d like to retire on or about my 62nd birthday this