It may not be among the fullest ballots we’ve had recently, but tomorrow is still an election day, and Lincoln Parish residents have another chance to make our voices heard and influence the future
Editor’s note: The following column was written by Tuffy Fields seven years ago and is being shared now to compare to the current status of immigration in the U.S.
Downtown parking has been an issue in Ruston for decades. The argument is always the same: Without stringent regulations, businesspeople and employees who park in front of their stores or offices will continue to do so, thus discouraging shoppers.
Really good fiction writers have a gift that transcends the normal writings that are embellished in the literary world around the globe. It is as if they have the ability to see the future and write about it but in a manner that associates the current time period with some future event and thus makes it understandable by the audience. One of these writers was Jules Verne.