Almost every school in Lincoln Parish now serves free breakfast and lunch to schoolchildren. What a relief to those children who find themselves in homes that struggle with food
DEAR HARRIETTE: I like to wear high-heeled shoes, mainly because I am pretty short. If I wear heels, I feel like I am at least getting up to near where
Members of Troop 45 Boy Scouts, chartered by Trinity United Methodist Church in Ruston, honored fallen veterans last weekend by placing flags throughout various cemeteries in Ruston, Choudrant and Dubach.
The Ruston-Lincoln Chamber of Commerce recently held ribbon cutting ceremonies for new member White Oak Venue, located at 551 Highway 3072 in Ruston. White Oak Venue is owned by Alli
Northern Louisiana Medical Center’s Senior Circle Quilters for America’s Heroes recently presented 12 local veterans with personalized quilts made especially for them. This year’s recipients are Edward Bond Andrews, Harold
DEAR HARRIETTE: My father says a lot of things that I don’t think are politically correct. He is quick to make racist and sexist comments. He is totally clueless about
Pictured are honorable mention winners of the Ruston Daily Leader’s Coloring Contest. Winners of Sonic gift cards were Za’Niyah Holyfield, 6 (left) and Anthony Roberson III (right).
It has been four years since we’ve had a Terminator movie with 2015’s “Terminator: Genisys.” But it has been 28 years since we’ve had a good Terminator movie with 1991’s