Six Ruston residents were among 24 Louisiana Tech University Division of Nursing winter quarter graduates to receive their professional Louisiana Tech nursing pins during the division’s traditional pinning ceremony held Tuesday.
Across America, men and women are living in violent and abusive situations at the hands of their significant other — present or past. Trying to get out may be the most dangerous th ing to do. According to popular statistics, 75% of domestic violence deaths occur when a partner is trying to leave or has ended the relationship.
Avalon, one of the most successful contemporary Christian music groups ever, will appear Ruston Daily Lead at Temple Baptist Church P.O. Box 520 • Ruston, LA • 71273 at 212 6 p.m. W. Park on Ave. Saturday. • Ruston, LA • 7127
DEAR HARRIETTE: I worked with one company for several years on a freelance basis. I recently completed my last job with them, as I took another job. I thought we parted on good terms, but I question it now because I have not received my last check.
The Birthday Fellowship Club celebrated its 16th anniversary in January. Members of the Year for 2019 were Lemon Lewis and Joice Dunn. The club honors its members’ birthday and also makes donations to the Lincoln Parish Christian Community Center.