It was standing room only in Parnell- Burt Post 3615 as the local Veterans of Foreign War, Ruston’s VFW, handed out its Fall 2022 awards to winners in the youth scholarship categories as well as community leadership.
DEAR HARRIETTE: My husband has always smoked weed, but ever since quarantine, he has smoked every day, often starting at 7 a.m. and going throughout the day. Even though he’s back at work in a hybrid capacity, I’m working from home.
While covering the Ruston Bearcats’ run to the Caesars Superdome and the state championship game the last few weeks, I had the opportunity to speak to several people tied to Ruston High School’s past.
Five law enforcement officers, including a former regional Louisiana State Police commander, have been indicted in the fatal arrest of Black motorist Ronald Greene.