It’s not a bad idea to be conservative. Whether we are talking about environmental conservation or being fiscally conservative, as gardeners, there are decisions we can make to conserve money and resources.
DEAR HARRIETTE: My friend recently started doing stand- up comedy. He is usually hilarious, but I found his on-stage act more offensive and played-out than funny. We are both Indian, and the jokes he made were centered around poking fun at our culture.
Edgar Allen Spiller, the youngest of 10 children, left his earthly home on Saturday, Dec. 24, 2022. He was born in rural northeast Arkansas on March 22, 1930, and died at the age of 92 years 9 months and 2 days.
Ruston Community Theatre has announced the cast for the upcoming show “Alice in Wonderland,” directed by Tami Alexander, and set to run Feb. 23-26 at the Dixie Center for the Arts.
Having weathered the last major storm dished out by COVID-19, at least for now, in the form of an Omicron variantfueled case surge last winter, the Lincoln Parish School District was able to turn its attention to closing the learning gaps caused by COVID disruptions and strengthening school security in the wake of tragic shootings across the nation.
In all of my 68-and-ahalf years, I’ve never shot a New Year’s firework. It wasn’t until after my parents divorced and my mother and I were on our own that we ever tried to stay awake to watch the ball drop at Times Square.