At its monthly meeting on Thursday, the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission passed a notice of intent to apply special yo-yo and trotline fishing restrictions on Lake Bruin in Tensas Parish
A year or so ago, my good friend and avid, make that obsessed, turkey hunter, Jim Spencer decided to put a book together about his encounters with wild turkey gobblers, birds he described as “bad b
With the pandemic and political unrest festering across the world, it may be difficult to even think about finding fun things to do. Nasty stuff is going on that is causing us to focus on just keeping our heads above water and doing our best not to let negatives take over.
Elm Groves’s Rick Guillot, a 41-year-old registered nurse at Willis Knighton Hospital in Shreveport, has a pair of four legged friends to thank in locating a big buck he arrowed October 24. It is questionable if he would have been able to recover the eight-point Red River Parish buck without the expertise of two dogs trained to follow the trail of a wounded buck.
As an outdoor writer for going on half a century, there is one style of writing I have always wanted to master, a style that I occasionally and accidentally stumble on but with no consistency: humo