DEAR ABBY: I’m a 26-year-old single man. Most of my good friends are getting married, and when they do, they stop speaking to me. I have a hard time not
Those in dire need have to be content with what they can get. Or, to parrot the proverb: Beggars can’t be choosers. That analogy pretty well sums up what happened
My hometown of Dubach — pronounced Doo-bock — coincidently rhymes with “Do what?” which is what some people would ask me when I told them where I was from. Our
When children were raised, reared, or simply brought up, they emancipated “on time.” Upon high school graduation, children went to college, into the military, or became employed. Some, like my
Beneficiary designations can provide a relatively easy way to transfer an account or insurance policy upon your death. However, if you’re not careful, missing or outdated beneficiary designations can easily
For several decades, the city of Grambling’s annual Junteenth Heritage Festival has been one of the parish’s largest celebrations. On June 19, 1865, Major Gen.Gordon Granger with the Union Army,