After the first presidential debate mercifully ended, Fox News analyst and moderator Chris Wallace called the free-for-all “interesting.” A better word is ugly.
After five days of salads, tofu and vegetarian lasagna atop polenta, I cut a swath through the airport in Charlotte, N.C., to Big Bad Dan’s Burger Shack where I smiled at a hamburger and French fries before cannibalizing both.
More than 55 million Americans have filed for unemployment since COVID-19 struck. But for the most part, they haven’t lost their health insurance. An astounding 98% of workers who had employersponsored health benefits before the pandemic are still enrolled in workplace plans, according to a July report.
Dear Rusty: It seems like we are always encouraged to wait until our full retirement age or age 70 to claim our Social Security. For me, benefits at age 62 were a good jump start to my retirement.
In the early 1950s several businessmen from the Union Parish area sat together to discuss how to develop a project that at the time would have been considered to be an impossibility.