I’m sitting here on Thursday morning drinking my first and only Dr. Pepper of the month of August while I write this column.
It’s that time again.
How ‘bout them dogs?
Two things can be true at the same time.
The fall of 2019 was my first true election cycle working at the Leader. And it was a busy one.
Last week I wrote about the concept I called “ the bubble” that illustrates the relationship between a public body and the community during a meeting.
As I’ve attended hundreds of local government meetings over the last five and a half years or so, I’ve often enjoyed observing the status of what I’ll call “the bubble” for the purpose of this column.
What’s the Fourth of July version of a Scrooge or a Grinch? Whatever it is, I feel like I’m slowly becoming one.
There once was a man from the Leader
It seems like it’s been all bad news lately.
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